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Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube
  • Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round TubeFull Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube
  • Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round TubeFull Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube
  • Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round TubeFull Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube
  • Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round TubeFull Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube
  • Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round TubeFull Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube
  • Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round TubeFull Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube
  • Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round TubeFull Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube
  • Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round TubeFull Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube
  • Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round TubeFull Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube
  • Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round TubeFull Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube
  • Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round TubeFull Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube
  • Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round TubeFull Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube

Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube

ຄໍາຮ້ອງສະຫມັກເຄື່ອງພິມ INKSEA Flat UV: ● ອຸດສາຫະກໍາການໂຄສະນາ: ປ້າຍ, ຜະລິດຕະພັນ POP, ຜະລິດຕະພັນໂຄສະນາ, props ງານວາງສະແດງ ●ການກໍ່ສ້າງເຮືອນ: ແກ້ວຕົກແຕ່ງ, ຕູ້ປະຕູເລື່ອນ, ເພດານ, ກໍາແພງຜ້າມ່ານພື້ນຫລັງ, ການປົກປ້ອງສິ່ງແວດລ້ອມ UV ກະດານຕົກແຕ່ງ, ໂຄມໄຟຕົກແຕ່ງ ●ຜະລິດຕະພັນຮູບພາບແລະສີຕົກແຕ່ງ: ສີນ້ໍາມັນຕົກແຕ່ງ, ຜະລິດຕະພັນຫນັງ, ຮູບແຕ້ມອອກແບບ 3D, ກອບຮູບ, ຮູບພາບແຕ່ງງານ ● ເຄື່ອງໃຊ້ອີເລັກໂທຣນິກ: ແຜງເຄື່ອງໃຊ້ໃນເຮືອນ, ສະຫຼັບຟິມ, ແກະສີສ່ວນຕົວ ● ຂອງຂວັນແລະການຫຸ້ມຫໍ່: ຂອງຂວັນທີ່ກໍາຫນົດເອງ, ເຄື່ອງຫຼິ້ນເຄື່ອງຂຽນ, ຜະລິດຕະພັນການຫຸ້ມຫໍ່ ເຄື່ອງພິມ UV ບໍ່ພຽງແຕ່ຖືກນໍາໃຊ້ຢ່າງກວ້າງຂວາງໃນອຸດສາຫະກໍາ, ແຕ່ສໍາຄັນກວ່ານັ້ນ, ບໍ່ມີຂອບເຂດຈໍາກັດຂອງວັດສະດຸ, ວັດສະດຸພິມເຄື່ອງພິມ UV ມີຄວາມກວ້າງ, ສື່ທີ່ມີຄວາມຍືດຫຍຸ່ນຄື: super transparent paste, adhesive transparent, lamp, reflective film, oil painting, car ສະຕິກເກີ, ຮູບເງົາອ່ອນ, ຫນັງ, PET, PVC, ແລະອື່ນໆ. ສື່ແຂງແມ່ນ: ແກ້ວ, ກະເບື້ອງ, ໂລຫະ, ເພດານ, ກະດານອາລູມິນຽມ - ພາດສະຕິກ, ໄມ້, ປະຕູ, ກະດານ acrylic, ກະດານ KT, ກະດານ PVC, ກະດານໂຟມ, ກໍລະນີໂທລະສັບມືຖືແລະອື່ນໆ. ລະບົບການອອກແບບໂຄງສ້າງອຸດສາຫະກໍາທັງຫມົດ, ການນໍາໃຊ້ 4 rollers ຢາງ, ຫຼຸດຜ່ອນ deflection, ເຮັດໃຫ້ອຸປະກອນການພິມເຮັດວຽກໄດ້ກ້ຽງຫຼາຍ, ບໍ່ງ່າຍທີ່ຈະ deviate, ມີບົດບາດປ້ອງກັນໃນຫນ້າຈໍພິມສໍາເລັດຮູບ, ເຫມາະສໍາລັບການພິມຄວາມໄວສູງມະຫາຊົນ. . ນໍາໃຊ້ລົດໄຟເສັ້ນຊື່ທີ່ມີຄວາມແມ່ນຍໍາສູງນໍາເຂົ້າ, ໃຫ້ທ່ານມີຄວາມສຸກກັບຄວາມງຽບສະຫງົບໃນລະຫວ່າງການພິມ. ລະບົບຕ່ອງໂສ້ tow ນໍາເຂົ້າໄດ້ຖືກຮັບຮອງເອົາ, ແລະຫນ້າທີ່ຕ້ານການ collision ໄດ້ຖືກຕິດຕັ້ງເພື່ອຮັບປະກັນຄວາມປອດໄພແລະຄວາມຫມັ້ນຄົງຂອງເຄື່ອງໃນຂະບວນການພິມ. Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube



Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube

Hot Tags: Full Automatic Fishing Rod Printer Machine Varnish UV 3D Fast for PVC Pipe Glass Pipe Metal Pipe Acrylic Tube Long Round Tube, Customized, China, ຜູ້ຜະລິດ, ຜູ້ຜະລິດ, ໂຮງງານຜະລິດ, ລາຄາຜ່ອນຜັນ



ກະລຸນາຮູ້ສຶກວ່າບໍ່ເສຍຄ່າເພື່ອໃຫ້ການສອບຖາມຂອງທ່ານໃນແບບຟອມຂ້າງລຸ່ມນີ້. ພວກເຮົາຈະຕອບກັບທ່ານໃນ 24 ຊົ່ວໂມງ.
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